The Automotive Supplier Finder has over 6 000 product categories with more than 10 000 companies that are associated to these categories.
Select one of the below categories to start navigating through the category tree.
Automotive Components & Systems
Companies listed here are all automotive component manufacturers.
Business Operations Services
A wide ranging section covering all business and operation support services.
Computer Hardware & Software
This section is aimed at those looking for IT services.
Consultancy & Service Providers (see also Product Engineering)
Companies listed here provide third party consultancy to support businesses in a wide range of business functions.
Factory/ Production Equipment
Companies listed here will provide the plant, equipment and machinery to support manufacturers produce automotive products.
Manufacturing Processes & Subcontract Services
This section covers all companies providing a subcontract service.
Multi Area Components
A wide ranging section covering components that typically have multiple applications.
Product Engineering, Research & Development
This is a large section of the directory, covering components that can be applied in multiple areas of the vehicle manufacturing processes. For example, fasteners which are used all over the vehicle.
Skills, Learning & Human Resources
This section covers everything to do with people and their skills.
Tooling, Toolmaking, Jigs & Fixtures
Production tooling and tooling services are all captured under this heading.
Vehicle Lifetime Support Equipment & Services
For all products and services relating to managing a vehicle after its sale.
Vehicle Raw Materials
This section covers all raw materials used in the manufacture and assembly of vehicles.
This section covers all vehicle manufacturers.