This is a large section of the directory, covering components that can be applied in multiple areas of the vehicle manufacturing processes. For example, fasteners which are used all over the vehicle. Any component that could be used in different parts of the vehicle and is typically seen as more of a commodity, will be found under this section of the directory.
Electrical Power Storage & Processing
With the advent and mass market take up of the electric vehicle, electrical power and storage is quickly becoming one of the most challenging areas of automotive engineering.
Electrical Wiring, Cable & Connectors
This section covers all electrical wiring, cabling and electrical connecting componentry.
Electrical/ Electronic Assemblies & Components
Alongside the electric vehicle battery, electric traction motors are proving to be the next most valuable sub assembly within electric vehicles of the future.
Multi-Area Mechanical Components
Companies listed in this area will have capabilities in providing componentry to support mechanical components.
Sensors & Transducers
This section includes companies with capability in sensing.